
These are the facts:

  • It’s a fact that the Book of Mormon was the first of many records to come forth
  • It’s a fact that how well the Book of Mormon was received would determine whether other records would come forth
  • It’s a fact that the Lord stated in 1832 that the “whole church” was under “condemnation” for not following the Book of Mormon (D&C 84:54-58)
  • It’s a fact that in 1986, President Ezra Taft Benson stated the church was still under that condemnation (Ensign 16, [May 1986] p. 78)
  • It’s a fact that LDS historians and professors have admitted that the LDS Church is not based on the Book of Mormon (see: www.bomchristian.com)
  • It’s a fact that more records have not come forth
  • It’s a fact that the reason they have not come forth is because the Book of Mormon has not been followed (see: Reformed Mormonism)
  • It’s a fact that the additional records would have proven the historicity of the Book of Mormon (3 Nephi 26:6-10; Alma 37:3-4, 14-15)
  • It’s a fact that people not worthy of additional records are not worthy of other proofs, i.e., archaeological, geographical, or other

“The word of the Lord or the translation of other ancient records is required to clear up many points now so obscure that, as we have said, no two original investigators agree with regard to them” (George Q. Cannon, ed., “The Book of Mormon Geography” in The Juvenile Instructor, Jan. 1, 1890, p. 18).

“It is the personal opinion of the writer that the Lord does not intend that the Book of Mormon, at least at the present time, shall be proved true by any archaeological findings. The day may come when such will be the case, but not now” (Joseph Fielding Smith, Answers to Gospel Questions, 1998, v. 2, p. 196).

It’s clear that the views expressed on the geography of the Book of Mormon since the time of Joseph till now are full of delusions, which is the fruit of condemnation.