Fringe Theory

Geography enthusiast John E. Clark inspired Book of Mormon FRINGE THEORY:

Adena and Hopewell peoples lived in Pennsylvania and western New York, but this region represented the impoverished FRINGE of their culture. (John E. Clark, “Archaeology and Cumorah Questions,” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies: vol. 13, no. 1, 2004, pp. 144-51).

In actuality, what Clark considered a weakness regarding our Western New York model is, in fact, a key element of true Book of Mormon geography.

As is stated on our Lamanite page, the Book of Mormon is clear—other people existed before the arrival of Lehi’s group, and they were larger in number. Fringe Theory states:

Nephite lands and culture were smaller than Lamanite lands and culture which should be reflected in the archaeological record as a ‘fringe group’.