Book of Mormon Archaeological Forum


The Book of Mormon Archaeological Forum (BMAF) is a 501(c)3 not for profit organization dedicated as an open forum for presentation, dissemination, and discussion of research and evidences regarding Book of Mormon archaeology, anthropology, geography and culture within a Mesoamerican context. Our goals are (1) to increase understanding of the Book of Mormon as an ancient Mesoamerican text, (2) to correlate and publish works of LDS scholars, (3) to help promote unity and cooperation, and (4) to provide humanitarian, educational and employment opportunities for the people of Mesoamerica.

Their indebtedness to the Mesoamerican area goes very deep. The following are some of the staunchest supporters of the Mesoamerican framework:

  • John W. Welch
  • John L. Sorenson
  • John L. Lund
  • John A. Tvedtnes
  • Ted Dee Stoddard
  • Diane E. Wirth
  • Joe V Andersen
  • Douglas K. Christensen
  • Chris Heimerdinger
  • Dave Asay

The largest challenge facing these folks is that their models are all “land prophecy deficient.” That is to say, their focus upon “culture, a writing system, or calendar system,” etc. are not land related and can be found anywhere. Take the work of R. A. Olsen for example. His “Malay Theory” has more “hits” than all above modelers combined. and yet his model is in the Islamic state of Malaysia!

Without land prophecies, you could have your ladder against the wrong wall and not know it! 



People -v- Land

Culture -v- Geography

Books claiming to be about the “geography” of the Book of Mormon should stick to the geography. Books touting this, that, and the other about culture should entitle their books and their field of study “anthropology.”

People become absorbed by other people and their cultures. People migrate, become annihilated, and so on. In other words, cultures are not land based and any person touting culture as the way to identify a land mass are putting the cart before the horse and should stop.

Plus the following from a 2003 snapshot:

Book of Mormon Archaeological Foundation
Board of Directors

Fundraising Committee
Tours / Classes
Print Media
Digital Media
Quinn Cook
David Parry
Joseph L. Allen
David C. Asay
Orson Wright Ryan D. Williams Glen Sudbury Conrad Gottfredson
Brian Utley Blake J. Allen Bruce Warren Nancy Sherwood
Les Smith Mont Wooley Ted Stoddard  
Don Murray Doug Christensen    
Art Thompson      


The following is a snapshot from one of their tours:

Tour Schedule 2002:

 Please note that it is possible to join the 15-day deluxe tours for just the first or just the second week. The one week options usually are approximately $1995 (including airfare) depending on when you join and leave the group. Please call the office for details: 888-226-5205.

Unless otherwise noted the above prices include a round-trip airfare allowance of $500.

6/27/03 15-day Nephi to Cumorah Mont Wooley
$2995 + air
7/4/03 Land of Nephi (9-day) Todd Allen
$1995 + air
7/4/03 15-day Nephi to Cumorah Joseph L. Allen
$2995 + air
7/11/03 15-day Nephi to Cumorah Robert Norman / Blake J. Allen
$2995 + air
8/4/03 Land of Nephi / Belize Ryan D. Williams
9/18/03 Convention (Guatemala City) Various Lecturers
10/11/03 15-day Nephi to Cumorah Ryan D. Williams
$2995 + air
10/24/03 15-day Nephi to Cumorah Richard Berrett
$2995 + air
10/31/03 Jaredite (9-day) Rex Arnett
$1995 + air
11/1/03 Land of Nephi (9-day) John Lund
$1995 + air
11/3/03 Imperial (21-day) Ron Jamison
$4495 + air
11/7/03 Nephi-Zarahemla (10-day) Joseph L. Allen
12/26/03 Jaredite (9-day) Ralph McAfee
$1995 + air
12/26/03 Land of Nephi (9-day) Todd Allen
$1995 + air


This snapshot from 2005 includes General Authorities:

Board of Trustees:

David C. Asay – Chairman
Richard F. Gordon – President
Robert L. Sperry – Vice President
Conrad A. Gottfredson – Vice President
Ryan D. Williams – Executive Director
Elder William Bradford
Elder Ted E. Brewerton
Elder Robert E. Wells
Randy S. Mellor
Art Thompson
Dawn Thompson

Advisory Board:

Bob Ard
Gilbert Blake
Doug Christensen
Milt Hanks
Kraig Higginson
Kent W. Reese
Joe Reyna
Nancy Sherwood
Robert Starling
Eric Turbiville
Margaret Workman

Research and Education Board:

Elder William Bradford – Co-chair
Elder Ted E. Brewerton – Co-chair
Elder Robert E. Wells – Co-chair
David Hadlock – BMAF
F. Richard Hauck – ARI
Bruce Warren – AAF
Diane Wirth

Snapshot from 2007:

Officers and Board of Trustees

David C. Asay – Chairman
Richard F. Gordon – President
Robert L. Sperry – Vice President
Stephen L. Carr – Vice President
Douglas K. Christensen
Randy S. Mellor
Robert Starling

Advisory Board

Gilbert Blake
Conrad A. Gottfredson
Kirk Magleby
Glen Rawlins
Rita Rawlins
Kent Reese
Ryan Williams
Margaret Workman

Research & Education Board

Elder William R. Bradford – Co-Chair
Elder Ted E. Brewerton – Co-Chair
Elder Robert E. Wells – Co-Chair
David Hadlock
F. Richard Hauck, Phd
Garth Norman
Bruce Warren, Phd
Diane Wirth, Phd
Bruce Yerman

It becomes apparent that the Book of Mormon has been a big money maker for many of these individuals, who are heavily invested in Mesoamerica with their books, maps, lectures, tapes, conferences and tours. We dedicate a few pages to correcting their errors.

[Source for all pages: BMAF]