Aric Turner


Aric D. Turner

Claims to be “very different” from other models. “The combination of internal model, world location, and travel maps provides a more complete picture of the geography.”

Turner fails to include border waters like the Sea North, Sea South, and Sea that Divides the Land in his Internal Map. Turner’s “world location” fails to not place the water that was crossed (the Atlantic or Pacific) directly next to Book of Mormon lands.

“All significant natural forces exist to describe those mentioned in the Book of Mormon. The data to verify tsunamis and volcanism

Turner uses the fallacy of “common beliefs” to make a case for tsunamis and volcanoes. Unfortunately, it said the kind of destruction they experienced had never before been known.”

Turner (like most modelers) ignores the land prophecies. One would think that common sense would dictate after two hundred years of fulfilled land prophecies to use them to cross-check Internal and External maps.

Read an additional review here: The Errors of Aric Turner