Delbert W. Curtis



Delbert W. Curtis, “Christ in North America” 1993 – book.

The H38 Virus has moved the Sea West south of the Sea South and the Sea East north of the Sea West. Other deficiencies include the Niagara River/Gorge for the River Sidon. Obviously Delbert has not seen what he purposes from eye level. You can’t cross the Niagara Gorge like they crossed the River Sidon. It’s head or source was not a sea. Mulek’s landing was in the furthest point north of the Jaredite Land Northward – not Zarahemla.

The Narrow Neck ran north to south, not east and west. The neck was not 1.5 days wide, and it ran along the West Sea which is impossible in this model. Like others, Curtis claims America fulfills Book of Mormon prophecy, yet three-fourths of the Book of Mormon lands in his model are OUTSIDE America:

Notable Quotes:

Lehi and Jared were promised a land of promise, a land choice above all other lands (1 Nephi 2:20, Ether 1:42). That land is the United States of America. (p. 260)

Moroni went to Mesoamerica to get more plates. (p. 251)

The work of these many scholars (John Sorenson, et al.) has not been in vain. The many publications have proven beyond doubt that the people of Central and South America were of the same origin as the people of the Book of Mormon.(p. 263)

There is no doubt in my mind that the locations presented here are the true sites of the land where the Nephites – or the believers in Christ – whose record we have, namely the Book of Momon, lived. (p. 12)