J. A. Washburn and J. N. Washburn


J.A. Washburn and J.N. Washburn, “An Approach to the Study of Book of Mormon Geography” 1939 – book.

The most convoluted of geography models, with multiple seas North, South, East and West without a single piece of land surrounded by four. Despite such vagaries, the Washburn’s are certain their model is correct:

Though much uncertainty exists regarding many details of the subject, the location of the lands of the Book of Mormon appears to be established beyond any question relatively speaking. Within a few hundred miles one might be wrong in suggesting locations, but there is little possibility that one can miss the whole land. (p. 194)

Funny how a model could miss all prophecies of the land: the Spiritual Geography. The following quote on the Narrow Neck reflects a bias throughout the book:

One of the foremost authorities in the Church placed it (Narrow Neck) at the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, and a number of other students have agreed with this. The present writers have no objection though this is the RESULT OF A FEELING RATHER THAN ANY DEFINITIVE EVIDENCE. (p 198)

The authors do not consider it their responsibility to answer this question (two Cumorah’s) even if it requires an answer, yet they are sincerely interested in the answer. If their conclusions are in error, as indicated in the introduction, there is no need to find an answer at all. (p. 208)

The authors are immune from learning. If they’re not right, the truth doesn’t matter.