John E. Clark


Source: A Key For Evaluating Nephite Geographies by John E. Clark.

Here, the H38 Virus removed the Sea South from the Land Northward and placed it south of the Land Southward. To miss this point demonstrates an overall lack of understanding of Book of Mormon geography. On the other hand, if your model doesn’t work, you can always revert to calling things “metaphors:”

The reference to north and south seas fits nicely into the Mesoamerican scene as part of a metaphor for the whole earth and was probably used in a metaphorical sense in the Book of Mormon.” (A Key For Evaluating Nephite Geographies by John E. Clark in FARMS Review: Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp. 20-70 A review of “Deciphering the Geography of the Book of Mormon” by F. Richard Hauck Provo, Utah: Maxwell Institute, 1989, p. 65)

The H38 Virus has effectively removed the Seas North and South from the Land Northward. Clarke makes it clear in the following statement, that he, like Washburn will never adjust his thinking:

I am convinced that the reference to a north sea and a south sea is devoid of any concrete geographical content. All specific references or allusions to Book of Mormon seas are only to the east and west seas. Any geography that tries to accommodate a north and south sea, I think, is doomed to fail. (Ibid.)

John Clark Model Reviewed