Joshua B. Mariano & Edwin Goble


Finally the virus has learned to eradicate models altogether:

The internal map does nothing to establish anything of value, and the hobbyist just ends up where he started. The bottom line is, the “internal map” looks just like what the hobbyist wants it to look like…Archaeologists didn’t find Troy by drawing an imaginary map. (Joshua B. Mariano and Edwin Goble, Resurrecting Cumorah, 2009, p. 13)

The reason to have an internal Book of Mormon geography map is to show that the modeler understands the text, and whether a bias virus like the H38 has infected it.

Ed Goble co-authored the book: This Land, Zarahemla and the Nephite Nation: Only One Cumorah with Wayne May (Colfax, WI: Ancient American Archaeology Foundation, 2002) which model he has since disavowed. Both of Goble’s works suffer from the “Filtered Text Syndrome” which prevents a researcher from accepting the text as it is written. For example, land distances are clear, Book of Mormon lands were only 1.5 days wide; something Goble continues to ignore.

This book (Resurrecting Cumorah) is, in part, Goble’s journey with Book of Mormon geography. He indicates how, at one time, he believed in the Heartland theory, then became skeptical of certain parts of that theory. Now he promotes the Hemispherical theory.

He is passionate about this theory, almost too passionate. At times he seems too emotionally wrapped up in this theory, to the point where it becomes difficult to distinguish between his logic and his feelings. He makes strident claims and statements, some more well-founded than others. I have the feeling that he believes he is David fighting Goliath (Limited Geography theorists). At times he seems to get so worked up in attacking Goliath that he loses some credibility. He may have been more convincing if he had more carefully, objectively, and logically presented the arguments for his theory and let the reader decide.

Instead his vitriolic attacks often detract from the arguments and logic that he is promoting. (Edwin Goble, Resurrecting Cumorah, Reviewed by J. Sherman Feher for the Association of Mormon Letters, 3/28/11)