P. Douglas Kiester M.D.


P. Douglas Kiester M.D. “Where Was Mormon” (web site), Panama and Columbia

The virus has prevented a single piece of land from being completely surrounded by FOUR seas.

Besides lacking the four seas surrounding the Land Northward, the following two points are also wrong:

31. The City of Bountiful is on the eastern sea.
32. A narrow passage into the Land of Desolation along the sea just northward of the City of Bountiful (Alma 50:34). (Retrieved 9-12-9)



As stated on our Narrow Passage page, both the City of Bountiful and the Narrow Passage are on the west side.

His model is void of prophecy or land promises:

“The Book of Mormon is scripture. Scripture still trumps science.” -P. Douglas Kiester, M.D., May 2009