Phyllis Carol Olive – Lost Lands of The Book of Mormon (book), Lost Tribes of The Book of Mormon (book), Lost Empires of the Book of Mormon (book, dvd), Christ’s New World Flock (book)
Carol has conflicting maps. This map was taken from her web site and is presumed to be the most current. As can be seen, the virus has jumbled the seas around so there is not a single piece of land surrounded by four bodies of water. To make matters worse, she places most of the Land Northward (Choice above all other lands.) outside of the boundaries of the United States. Those Promised Lands would never have a king or queen, as Canada does.
Here she placed the Sea South south of the Finger Lakes area, which lands were never inhabited during Book of Mormon times. No one lived in Cumorah. (The Lost Lands of The Book of Mormon, p. 208)

Two more contradicting and confusing maps by Phyllis Carol Olive.