Thomas Stuart Ferguson


Thomas Stuart Ferguson, Cumorah – Where? (book), 1947.

As can be seen, the H38 Virus moved the Sea North from north of the Land Northward to north of the Land Southward, and the Sea South from south of the Land Northward to south of the Land Southward.

Sadly, the H38 Virus did not stop at Ferguson’s map, but went on to remove references to the Sea North and Sea South from the book text. In a chapter of geographical references, Ferguson rightly cites all of Helaman 3:8 (p. 23), but later, when he extracts the more “important phrases and statements” from those references, Helaman 3:8 was attacked. All that remained after the attack was the following:

#28 “the land northward,” a place where the people did spread insomuch that they began to cover the entire area from the sea west to the sea east (note direction of colonization and note shipping was up coast) and where the people did “dwell in tents, and in houses of cement,” and where they had cities, temples, synagogues, sanctuaries, and all manner of buildings.

Typical as other modelers, Ferguson freely adds what’s not there, and removes what is as if The Book was his own. The Sea North and Sea South are removed, and his interpolations of “direction of colonization” and “shipping” are unfounded.

Ferguson may not have lost faith in the historicity of the Book of Mormon had he extracted the text before choosing a piece of land by which he filtered what the Book of Mormon did or did not say. Ferguson should have given up faith in Middle America not the Book of Mormon.