New Jerusalem

These are the facts:

  • It’s a fact the New Jerusalem would be built BEFORE the Book of Mormon came forth
  • It’s a fact the New Jerusalem would be built on Book of Mormon lands
  • It’s a fact the New Jerusalem is more a government than a building, town, or city
  • It’s a fact that government would be founded on the principles of God, Christ, and Freedom
  • It’s a fact the inspired Declaration and Constitution of the United States are based on God, Christ, and Freedom

[Details are under New Jerusalem on the Main Menu.]

The following quotes come from LDS Prophet and Secretary of Agriculture – Ezra Taft Benson, This Nation Shall Endure, 1977:

-This was the place of three former civilizations: that of Adam, that of the Jaredites, and that of the Nephites. This was also the place where our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, appeared to Joseph Smith (p. 15).

-Yes, we are priviliged to live in a choice land – a land of Zion – a land reserved for the second coming of our Lord and Savior, and the Lord’s base of operations today (p. 28).

-What those framers did can be better appreciated when it is considered that when the instrument (Constitution) went into operation (April 6, 1789), it covered only thirteen states with fewer than four million people (p. 40).

I reverence the Constitution of the United States as a sacred document. To me its words are akin to the revelations of God, for God has placed His stamp of approval on the Constitution (p. 44).

Only a FREE people can be truly a HAPPY people (Freedom is the core of the New Jerusalem) (p. 82).

John Quincy Adams: ‘From the day of the Declaration…[the American people] were bound by the laws of God…and by the laws of the Gospel, which they nearly all acknowledged as the rules of their conduct’ (Oration celebrating July 4, 1821) (p. 130).

It was not just incidental nor was it mere political platitude that the NAME OF GOD was mentioned in the Declaration of Independence FOUR TIMES, and that our adopted NATIONAL MOTTO became ‘In God We Trust’ (p. 130).

“He that fighteth against Zion shall perish” (p. 14). This applies to those who endorse models outside the United States.

It is the job of the historian and educator and church leader [particularly modelers] to help us as a nation to pull ourselves together, to help us regain perspective and vision…it will be done by men who possess a love of country, a vision of our country’s future, and the assurance of her divinely guided destiny. (p. 24)

My plea is that you stir up the gift that is within you. You will recall the Lord told us why we needed to exercise the spiritual gifts He has given us: ‘…BEWARE LEST YE ARE DECEIVED; AND THAT YE MAY NOT BE DECEIVED SEEK YE EARNESTLY THE BEST GIFTS…’ (D&C 46:8) (p. 27)