
There should be a wilderness area (Hermounts) west and north of the City of Zarahemla, where the Amlicites fled from the Nephites:

36 And they fled before the Nephites towards the wilderness which was west and north, away beyond the borders of the land; and the Nephites did pursue them with their might, and did slay them.
37 Yea, they were met on every hand, and slain and driven, until they were scattered on the west, and on the north, until they had reached the wilderness which was called Hermounts; and it was that part of the wilderness which was infested by wild and ravenous beasts. (Alma 2)

Indeed there is a wilderness area west and north of East Aurora, and is labeled “Smokes Creek” on the watershed map on our Narrow Passage page:


 Error: It is wrong to assume that the Hermounts area was mountainous simply because “mounts” is in its name. We only know that it was a unique wilderness area separate from the others by some land features. The watershed map shows what that was.