A to Z in a Nutshell

[The following extraction is typical of Mesoamerican modelers. See our notes throughout.]

A to Z in a Nutshell:

Mesoamerican Locale for the Book of Mormon


© Diane E. Wirth

This condensed list suggests Mesoamerica as the locale where the Book of Mormon transpired.

CUMORAH is referred to in the Book of Mormon several times and was a place for safekeeping Nephite records (Morm. 6:2-6; 8:2, 4; Ether 15:11). In the Book of Mormon the Hill CUMORAH was located not many days’ journey from the narrow neck of land. The New York Hill CUMORAH is not. CUMORAH was surrounded by cities. The New York Hill CUMORAH was not. The Hill CUMORAH was close to the borders of an eastern sea. The Hill CUMORAH in New York does not meet any of the geographical criteria here. Latter-day Saint archaeologists and scholars think the Hill CUMORAH of the Book of Mormon may be El Vigia in the Tuxtlas Mountains of southern Veracruz. After the great wars, Moroni stated that he hid up the records in the earth that his father gave him, but never specified where (Morm. 8:3-4). He had 35 years to travel after the demise of the Nephite nation to deposit the plates where the Lord directed him to a hill in New York that was composed of glacial deposits. Writing from Nauvoo, Joseph Smith referred to the hill where he obtained the golden plates only once in his personal writings when he wrote, “Glad tidings from Cumorah” (D&C 128:20). Early members chose to call the hill where he obtained the plates, CUMORAH. Two maps were drawn by Patriarch William McBride, who was a contemporary of Joseph Smith. McBride claimed that the Prophet was their ultimate source. The map shows Moroni’s route, drawn from the land Bountiful in Central America to the HillCUMORAH in New York State.14

Same hypocrisy, in one sentence recognize Joseph called the hill “Cumorah,” then deny that he did and attribute it to some “early members chose…”

PROMISED LAND Lehi’s group believed they were going to the LAND OF PROMISE (1 Ne. 2:20, 10:13). Before them, the Jaredites were directed towards the PROMISED LAND (Ether 6:5).

Where, how, is Guatemala, the “Pariah State” the “Promised Land?”

VOLANCOES In 3 Nephi 8-9, at the death of our Savior, we can deduce that the devastation where this occurred on the Western Hemisphere fits quite well with Mesoamerica. Not only were VOLCANIC eruptions typical, but earthquakes and hurricanes frequent.

“Typical” is something Book of Mormon lands did not experience when Jesus came. Clearly, the turmoil had “NEVER BEEN KNOWN IN ALL THE LAND.” (3 Nephi 8:5)

YEAR ROUND CLIMATE Fevers were very frequent in the lands of the Book of Mormon (Alma 46:40). This points to a tropical climate where frequent fevers are caused by insect bites. The eastern portion of Mesoamerica is a hot, tropical YEAR ROUND CLIMATE. Alma 51:33 mentions “the heat of the day.” Snow is never mentioned except when Nephi is given a vision of the Tree of Life, which is understandable since he came from a land that was acquainted with snow (1 Ne. 11:8).

The degree of dishonesty is overwhelming. This is the verse hacked to oblivion:

And there were some who died with fevers which at some seasons of the year were very frequent in the land but not so much so with fevers because of the excellent qualities of the many plants and roots which God had prepared to remove the cause of diseases to which men were subject by the nature of the climate. (Alma 46:40)

That depicts seasons, i.e. not the tropics, and a climate that caused fevers, i.e. a cold/flu season that could be cured by herbs, i.e. it was not malaria.

On and on the deception goes, side-stepping the “whole matter.” [Source]

